Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Review Questions Chapter

Coral reefs are elaborate networks of crevices, ledges, and holes made up of calcium carbonate; coral polyps are tiny animals that build coral reefs by secreting a crust of limestone around their bodies that accumulate once multiple polyps die.Coral reefs help moderate atmospheric temperatures by removing CA from the atmosphere, act as natural barriers that help protect of the world's coastlines from erosion by battering waves and storms, provide habitats for a variety of marine organisms, produce about one-tenth of the global fish catch, one-fourth of the catch n developing countries, provide Jobs and building materials for some of the world's poorest countries, and support fishing and tourism Industries worth billions of dollars each year.Coral bleaching is when a coral becomes stressed and the algae on which it depends for food and color die out, leaving an underlying white or bleached skeleton of calcium carbonate; this occurs because of increased water temperatures and runoff of silt from the land. 2. The two major aquatic life zones are saltwater (marine) and freshwater life zones. 3. Phytoplankton (plank plankton) are multiple types of algae; Zooplankton (animal Lankan) are primary and secondary consumers which feed off phytoplankton (primary consumers) or other zooplankton (secondary consumers these range from protozoa to large invertebrates such as Jellyfish. Alternation are much smaller plankton that may be responsible for 70% of the primary productivity near the ocean surface. Nektons are strongly swimming consumers such as fish, turtles, and whales. Penthouses are bottom dwellers that attach themselves to one spot (e. G. Barnacles, oysters, worms, lobsters, crabs). Decomposer are organisms (mainly bacteria) which break down the organic compounds in the dead bodies and wastes of aquatic organisms into simple nutrient compounds for use by aquatic producers. 4. A major advantage of living In an aquatic life zone Is the fact that there Is high biodivers ity.A disadvantage Is that It Is constantly affected by human activities. 5. The four factors that determine the types and numbers of organisms found in these layers are temperature, access to sunlight for photosynthesis, dissolved 02 content, and availability of nutrients. 6. The marine systems provide climate moderation, carbon doodle absorption, nutrient cycling, waste treatment, reduced storm impact, habitats and nursery areas, emetic resources and biodiversity, scientific information, food, animal and pet feed, pharmaceuticals, harbors and transportation routes, recreation, employment, oil and natural gas, minerals, and building materials. . The coastal zone Is the warm, nutrient-rich, shallow water that extends from the Estuaries are regions where rivers meet the ocean. Coastal wetlands are land areas covered with water all or part of the year. Mangroves are the tropical counterparts of salt marshes. Temperature and salinity vary greatly in estuaries and coastal wetlands becau se seawater and freshwater mix, because tidal and river flows vary, and cause of land runoff.These have such a high NP because of high nutrient inputs from rivers and nearby land, rapid circulation of nutrients by tidal flows, presence of many producer plants, and ample sunlight penetrating the shallow waters. 8. The intertribal zone is the area between low and high tides. Rocky shores are beaches with a remarkable variety of species that occupy different niches in response to daily and seasonal changes in environmental conditions such as temperature, water flows, and salinity. Sandy shores are beaches with niches for different marine organisms. . Barrier islands are low, narrow, sandy islands that form offshore from a coastline. These are sought for human development because they are beautiful; however, these are at risk because the can be damaged or destroyed by flooding, severe beach erosion, or storms. The dunes should be protected because they serve as the first line of defense against the ravages of the sea. 10. Coral reefs are vulnerable to damage because they grow slowly, are disrupted easily, and only thrive in clear, warm, and fairly shallow water of constant high salinity.Humans impact coral reefs negatively by causing ocean warming, soil erosion, algae growth from fertilizer runoff, mangrove destruction, bleaching, rising sea levels, increased UP exposure, damage from anchors, and damage from fishing and diving. 11 . The open sea is the sharp increase in water depth at the edge of the continental shelf separated from the coastal zone. Its three main vertical zones are the epiphytic zone, the bathmat zone, and the abyssal zone. The NP per unit of area is so low because of its size. 2. Humans destroy coastal wetlands for agriculture and urban development, destroy mangroves for agriculture, development, and aquaculture, erode beaches because of coastal development and rising sea levels, degrade ocean bottom habitats by dredging and trawler fishing, an d damage coral reefs. 13. Freshwater life zones are the freshwater bodies of water. The two main types are standing (lentil) bodies of freshwater and flowing (lactic) bodies of freshwater. 14.Freshwater systems provide climate moderation, nutrient cycling, waste treatment, flood control, groundwater recharge, habitats for many species, genetic resources for biodiversity, scientific information, food, drinking water, irrigation water, hydroelectricity, transportation corridors, recreation, and employment. Unify, and groundwater seepage fills the depressions in the earth's surface. The literal zone is the zone near the shore which consists of the shallow sunlit waters to the depths at which rooted plants stop growing.The liniment zone is the open, sunlit water surface layer away from the shore that extends to the depth penetrated by the sunlight. The profoundly zone is the deep, open water where is too dark for photosynthesis. Then benthic zone is the lowest part of the lake where mos tly decomposer and detritus feeders are located. 16. The three types of lakes are the oligarchic (poorly nourished) lake, atrophic well nourished) lake, and the mesospheric (middle) lake. 17. Surface water is the water which doesn't seep into the ground or evaporate.Runoff is surface water once it flows into streams. A watershed is a land area that delivers runoff, sediment, and dissolved substances to a stream. The floodplain zone is generally populated by cold-water fish. The transition zone is inhabited by producers and cool- and warm-water fish species. The floodplain zone is populated by producers such as algae, contractible, and rooted aquatic plants along the shore. 18. Inland wetlands are lands covered with freshwater all or part of the time.Marshes, swamps, prairie potholes, floodplains, and arctic tundra in the summer are examples of inland wetlands. Seasonal inland wetlands are wetlands that are only covered by water during certain times of the year. 19. Dams, diversions, and canals fragment 40% of the world's 237 large rivers. Flood control methods built along rivers alter and destroy aquatic habitats. Cities and farmlands add pollutants and excess plant nutrients to nearby streams and rivers. Many inland wetlands have been drained or filled to grow crops or have been covered with concrete, asphalt, and buildings.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Pakistan’s War on Terror Up to and Beyond 2014

While Pakistan continues to be a frontline state in the global war on terror, it is simultaneously fighting domestic terrorism in a war that will seemingly continue well beyond 2014. In recent months, terror attacks targeting the Shia Hazara minority in Baluchistan indicate a transformation of the terror problem in Pakistan. The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi present two different sides of Pakistan’s terrorism problem, however, the two organizations have increasingly converged operationally to the extent that Pakistan cannot eliminate one without simultaneously confronting the other. BACKGROUND: The September 11 terrorist attacks on the U. S. in which thousands of innocent lives were lost led Pakistan to join the U. S. -led global war against international terrorism in which Pakistan has over the years made an invaluable contribution. However, with the passage of time, Washington increasingly came to view Islamabad as part of the problem rather than the solution. Most U. S. and European policy makers believe that Pakistan is providing a safe haven for the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Western media is full of stories about a presence of the Taliban leadership in Pakistan, including of Mullah Omar’s alleged base in Quetta. Since the summer of 2008, U. S. military and intelligence agencies are sharing minimal intelligence with its Pakistani counterparts, instead focusing on drone attacks against suspected terrorist movements and hideouts. Pakistan is a signatory to the UN’s Palermo Convention. At the regional level, Pakistan has signed and ratified SAARC Regional Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism and the SAARC Convention on Narcotic Drugs Substances and the ECO Protocol against drugs. It has extradition treaties with 29 countries and bilateral agreements or MOUs on terrorism with 50 countries. Pakistan has played a major role in eliminating a number of terror networks such as the Al-Qaeda Anthrax network, the Alghuraba network, the UK-based Anglo-Pakistani group and Jundullah. Prominent targets captured include Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, Abu Alfaraj Alibi, Al Shib, Abu Zubaida, Abu Talha, Khalid bin Attash or Walid bin Attish, Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, Mohammad Naeem Noor Khan, Abu Laith al-Libi, Hasan Bana, Hamza Rabbi, Sharif Al Masri, Abu Mushab Masri, Jaffar Uttayyar Alkashmiri Yassir Al-Jaziri, and Abdul Rehman Al-Masri. Umar Patek was arrested in Abbottabad by Pakistani forces and may have provided important leads to Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts. Since 9/11, Pakistan has also become a victim of terrorism. The direct and indirect cost suffered by Islamabad in the war on terror has been around US$ 35 billion. There has been a constant increase in the number of terror attacks in Pakistan since 9/11 and a number of prominent Pakistanis have lost their lives in such attacks. These include the two-time Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto and the former head of the Pakistan Army’s Special Service Group, Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Ameer Faisal Alvi. Most of the jihadists in Pakistan, especially the splinter groups of various organizations, are now operating under the umbrella of TTP, a Deobandi Sunni organization established in December 2007. TTP’s objectives include cleansing Pakistan of foreign, meaning the U. S. and overall Western, presence, implementing Sharia and establishing a Caliphate. Over the years, TTP has been involved in a number of suicide bombings, rocket attacks, remote controlled bombs, abductions, and beheadings. It has widened its area of operations beyond Pakistan’s tribal areas and targeted a number of government installations and organizations in the mainland, including the Federal Investigation Agency’s Lahore office, the Naval War College in Lahore, the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad, the Wah ordinance Factory, the Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore, a police training school, the GHQ Rawalpindi and the Navy’s Mehran base in Karachi. It is also involved in kidnapping for ransom, bank robberies, forced taxes and drug trade. IMPLICATIONS: Since 9/11, the TTP has increasingly converged with the staunchly anti-Shia militant group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. A number of prominent TTP operations were conducted by known Lashkar-e-Jhangvi operatives. In recent months, the Hazaras in Baluchistan are increasingly becoming a prime target of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. Both TTP and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi consider Shias kafirs (infidels) and hence legitimate targets. Terrorist activities showed no sign of receding in 2012, indicating that after more than a decade of fighting terror, Pakistan is nowhere close to the finishing line in this war and the problem is taking an even uglier shape. According to various sources, Pakistan suffered more than 6000 casualties in different terror attacks in 2012. More than 450 terror attacks were recorded in 2012 in which at least 39 were confirmed suicide attacks. Another important development in 2012 was the increasing operational alliance between the TTP and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, although the two groups have cooperated with each other also in the past, the group led by Amjad Farooqi in 2003-2004 being a case in point. However, in 2012 the two groups largely converged operationally in the sense that they declared a war against Shias. This convergence has resulted in the worst attacks to date against Shias, especially the Hazaras in Baluchistan. In 2012, Shias were targeted in 113 attacks in which 396 people lost their lives, indicating the increasingly sectarian features of Pakistan’s terrorism problem. So far, more than a thousand terror-related deaths have occurred in 2013. Apart from a closer alliance emerging between TTP and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, TTP has also established Ansar Al-Aseerian (Helpers of the prisoners) in partnership with the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. According to media reports, Adnan Rasheed has been appointed the head of this group. The purpose of this group is to free all militants held in custody by Pakistani security forces and in various jails. TTP is also attempting to expand its activities and area of influence to Karachi, Pakistan’s major financial hub. Karachi, which is also considered to be Pakistan’s major Pashtun center, has been a preferred hideout for TTP, while some TTP and other jihadi activists have received medical treatment in Karachi. 2013 also witnessed two developments that will have long lasting effect on Pakistan’s war against terrorism. Firstly, Pakistan’s national Assembly unanimously passed the National Counter Terrorism Authority Bill 2013 on March 8, 2013. The establishment of a National Counter Terrorism Authority (NCTA) will play an important role in the efforts to combat terrorism. According to the mandate given to NCTA, it will â€Å"coordinate counter terrorism and counter extremism efforts in view of the nature and magnitude of the terrorist threat; and to present strategic policy options to the government for consideration/implementation by the stakeholders after scientifically studying the phenomenon of extremism and terrorism in historic and professional perspective. † Secondly, Pakistan’s army is taking a tougher stance and increasing its attention to the terrorism problem, as indicated by the decision of Pakistan’s army chief to treat the problem of terrorism as an operational priority. 013 is also an election year in Pakistan, with national and provincial elections scheduled for May 11, 2013. TTP has already targeted a number of political events in Khyber Paktunkhwa and especially the Awami National Party’s election campaign. The political party or parties that will form the next government will not only inherit a crisis in the energy and financial sectors but will also have to make hard decisions about the country’s war against terror. CONCLUSIONS: Developments in Pakistan suggest that the country’s terror problem will only increase in the lead-up to 2014 and Pakistan will have to fight its war on terror well beyond 2014, if concrete and decisive steps against TTP and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi are not taken. Both organizations want Pakistan to be a Sunni state and are increasingly targeting Shias. The Pakistani people and armed forces have paid a huge price in people and material in this ongoing war. Unless Pakistan addresses the root causes of the problem, it will not only persist but also get worse.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Airplane accidents causes and prevention Research Paper

Airplane accidents causes and prevention - Research Paper Example The improved aviation operations enabled the aircraft to go on extended flights which it did not before this Act because there were more accidents in the early nineteenth century and no detailed investigation was performed. However, it is still important to understand what the main causes of airplane accidents are and what steps can be taken to improve the aviation so that air accidents can be avoided. Most often, it is the human error that causes crashes (Mello et al., 2008). Sometimes, the pilots are very experienced due to which they get over confident and tend to be careless. For example, running out of gasoline while the plane is on flight is a result of human carelessness when he thinks that he has enough to fly to the destination. There are a lot of issues while flying that may demand more gasoline than usual. This makes the pilot force landing which is in no way out of danger. McCormick and Papadakis (2003, p.4) state that there are a lot of reasons that cause aircraft components to fail and become a cause for airplane accident. Either there is a fault in the manufacturing of a certain part or more load than usual has been placed on it that causes it to malfunction. The structure may have been poorly designed so as to stimulate stress concentrations which result in fatigue collapse (McCormick & Papadakis). The authors assert that: Any aircraft flying can be torn apart by pulling back hard on the wheel at an excessive speed and thereby producing loads exceeding the ultimate values for which it was designed. A pilot may fly through severe turbulence, like a thunder storm, thereby causing high loads (p.4). It may happen that the aircraft design is such that an average pilot finds it hard to operate it. The controls may be improperly placed inside the cockpit enhancing the probability that the pilot mistakenly gives an incorrect control input. Mechanical components like gearboxes and couplings may

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Interview with an adolescent Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Interview with an adolescent - Case Study Example She made sure that I went to church regularly and she taught me never to say lies. As for my father he didn’t care about anything like that. Puberty has not been too easy. I get quite annoyed that I do not have proper parents to take care of things because my grandparents are old and yet I have to depend a lot on them and it is very stressful. The interview with Michael’s dad was scheduled for another day. I asked Michael to arrange to meet with his dad at the same pond because it was quiet and peaceful here. Michael had telephoned his father and he arranged to meet us there on Saturday by 11:00 in the morning. From this interview I learned to show restraint in dealing with a young child. I also learned to be patient, understanding and the polite and show a lot of care. Listening to Michael’s story I empathized with him because I could understand the way he felt about his parents. This project gave me a lot of interest and kindled my curiosity. It also helped me to gain experience in engaging in a case history interview. This experience has encouraged me to shed some of my own inhibitions and impatience. The theory part of the project has helped me to gain new knowledge as well as improve my analytical and problem solving skills. Michael’s story made me realize how different parents, dealt differently with their children. In Michael’s case he had parents who were totally different not only in their outlook in life, but also in dealing with their son Michael. Michael seemed to love his mother with all his heart because she had been a kind, loving and understanding mother. But in the case of Michael’s dad he seemed to be aloof and did not seem to like him much because Michael had been a victim where he was concerned. Since Michael’s mother had passed away when he was very young, the parenting style of the father could be taken into consideration. Michael’s father was very strict

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Glucose Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Glucose - Essay Example The figure on the left shows this structure. Since the structure of glucose is flexible, it can wrap around each other which causes a reaction between two ends to form a ring structure as shown in the diagram on the right. In aqueous form, the structure is usually found in alpha and beta. Thus a solution of glucose is a rapidly changing mixture of rings and chains, continually interchanging between the two forms. (IC, 2008) Glucose is the primary source of energy in the human body. Glucose is essential fro humans to gain energy to do any sort of work. Since it reacts with the digestive and endocrine structure of the body, it is important to keep the glucose at a certain level at all times. The human body stores extra glucose in the liver as glycogen, so that when the glucose levels falls below the right level, it can be reabsorbed to keep the human energy stable. Medical problems can arise if the right amount of glucose does not circulate in the blood. (Mithra, 2003) We would feel weary and tired when the glucose level drops, which generally happens when a person is on diet or is starving or excretes insulin in variable amounts. But when the glucose levels are found in excess in the human body, a medical condition called hyperglycemia applies, which means that there is too much sugar in the system or too little insulin. When the proper management of glucose isn't done, a common disease called diabetes can occur. Resolving diabetes is difficult but it can be controlled by following a strict diet as recommended by the dietitian. (Mithra, 2003) Fischer Projection Emil Fischer developed structures of many monosaccharides on a 2D diagram where the projections of the molecules were written vertically keeping the aldehyde or ketone at the peak (PU, n.d.). The model developed for glucose looks like this: Polarity Glucose is highly polar meaning that it helps in the transportation, has a slightly positive and slightly negatively charged end and is able to dissolve in water. Works Cited 1. Debra Manzella, R. (2008). Glucose. Retrieved from About: 2. Farabee, M. (2007). CHEMISTRY II: WATER AND ORGANIC MOLECULES. Retrieved from Maricopa Community College: 3. IC. (2008). Glucose. Retrieved from Imperial College of London: 4. IPCS. (2001). GLUCOSE . Retrieved from 5. Mithra, S. (2003). What is Glucose Retrieved March 8, 2008, from Wise Geek: 6. PU. (n.d.). Carbohydrates: The Monosaccharides. Retrieved from Purdue University: 7. Safety, E. H. (2006).

Living Wage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Living Wage - Research Paper Example Some people would state that employees who live below the poverty level should increase their skills that are set to increase their value to the organization. In the American magazine, the article â€Å"is a living wage just a wage† on the 19th February 2001, addresses the issues revolving around the wage bill. The article states that legislation on the living wage requires businesses, agencies and some organizations, which offer acceptance to government contracts to make payments to their full time employees as a living wage (Melden, 1967). The most vulnerable ethics theory that applies to the above incidence is the deontology theory. This theory states that people should keep their roles obligations and responsibilities when analysing an ethical dilemma. However, this theory lacks the issue of employees’ rights, which is much important. The choice of decision creates a state of dictatorship since no one is entitled to provide his/her views, but only entitled to his/her duties. Ethics provides equity among people who are given a living wage. Employees feel that they at times discriminated against when they apply for jobs. If an employee is denied a position, which he is qualified for, he/she tends to think that it has to do with his social class. A call for employers to follow the â€Å"uniform guidelines on employee selection procedures† should be availed to take into consideration the protected classes on the basis of race, sex, disability, age or religion. In response to the utilitarianism theory, which is found on the basis of predicting the impacts of a given decision or action. The article â€Å"What You Should Look for When Selecting among Employer Health Coverage† published on 16th November 2008 is related to this theory. If an employer selects an employee on racial, religion, age, nationality, sex and disability bases, he is practicing unethical activities, which are discouraged by the utilitarianism theory (The Washington Post

Friday, July 26, 2019

Energy Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Energy Security - Essay Example It is an effective strategy too because it would help countries to venture into newer energies, since the coal, oil, and gas resources are highly depleting. It does not come as a shock, because most developing countries may lack the power to acquire nuclear energy, but at least have and are aware of other alternative energy sources. According to Gallagher, China’s concern on environmental problems has pushed it to pursue renewable energy; it has so far acted towards ethanol production, and progressively installed small hydropower, solar hot water, and installed wind capacity to add up what accounts from existing hydropower and nuclear energy (n.d.). The adjustments need investment, further research, and early planning to ensure countries develop with uninterrupted energy supply in future. It is a challenge for developed, emerging, and third world nations, if responsibility of safe environment and sustainable energies and development should be given priority. Addressing pattern s of consumption: The amount of energy consumed and carbon emissions in any given country varies with the population, industries, and available forms of energy. China and India have very high populations and have been very active to alleviate poverty and inequality in their nations through further industrial development. As such, with the very high consumption of coal energy in China, the more inevitable the carbon emission remains. This demonstrates that even as international and national policies lay strategies to control consumption, it can only be achieved if the locals and individuals act towards it (Parker, Scott, and Rowlands, n.d.). The developed nations do not have the world’s largest population, yet they are the highest consumers of energy resources;... Addressing patterns of consumption: The amount of energy consumed and carbon emissions in any given country varies with the population, industries, and available forms of energy. China and India have very high populations and have been very active to alleviate poverty and inequality in their nations through further industrial development. As such, with the very high consumption of coal energy in China, the more inevitable the carbon emission remains. This demonstrates that even as international and national policies lay strategies to control consumption, it can only be achieved if the locals and individuals act towards it (Parker, Scott, and Rowlands, n.d.). The developed nations do not have the world’s largest population, yet they are the highest consumers of energy resources; developing nations on the other hand, have large population sizes that with rapid developments, the world natural resources would be stripped away quickly in their demand for energy. The UK’s pop ulation is relatively small and besides investing in renewable energies and nuclear power, the country has invested in research for carbon and capture storage (CCS) technology, which if successful, would boost energy security by reviving coal energy (Department of Energy & Climate Change, 2013). Governments policies and incentives have to be strict, especially in industries of developing nations with respect to how they consume energy.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business Environment - Meeting global and local needs Coursework

Business Environment - Meeting global and local needs - Coursework Example The main purpose of this organisation type is to serve the community as a whole and delivering public benefits (Fletcher, 2005). Partnership: It is such an organisation type, which mainly comprise two or more partners in order to conduct a business. In this organisation type, the partners involved utilise the available resources and thereby share profits equally or proportionately (Fletcher, 2005). It is quite obvious that different stakeholders possess diverse needs along with objectives. An organisation mainly works towards meeting its predetermined goals along with the objectives of the stakeholders. It can be apparently observed that organisations mainly create a business plan, which helps in complying with the objectives of diverse stakeholders by a certain degree (Morris & Baddache, 2012). It is strongly believed that the stakeholders can be benefited only when organisations provide value added products to the customers. This will certainly make the stakeholders to obtain substantial profits and help them to obtain high dividends. Apart from these, the aforesaid aspect will also provide the employees with better salary. Furthermore, this will also boost the productivity of the organisations to meet customers’ demand and thereby serve the stakeholders effectively. The organisations can meet the objectives of the stakeholders by satisfying customers’ requirements, enabling such organisations to observe rise in profit margin. Thus, the formulation of an effective business plan will help the organisations to meet stakeholders’ objectives by a certain extent (Boutelle, 2004). One of the imperative roles along with responsibilities of an organisation is to serve customers in accordance with their respective demands and preferences. An organization must work under the boundaries of law. In this regard, the belief as well as the reputation of an organisation frames a vital part (Heslin & Ochoa, 2008). It is worth mentioning that an

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Why to get out of the Navy after 10 years of service Essay

Why to get out of the Navy after 10 years of service - Essay Example ed performance of duty until a service member is approved for length of service retirement creates a rebuttable presumption that a service member’s medical conditions have not caused premature career termination. In that situation, the PEB finds these members to be PFit. A finding of PFit means that the evidence presented to achieving retirement eligibility. Members found to be PFit have the same rights within the DES as those found Fit. While members found PFit are not eligible for disability retirement, they are still eligible for retirement under other provisions of law, as well as for evaluation by the Department of Veteran’s Affairs for disability compensation. In this paper we would be discussing on the ground taken by U.S on the separation of naval officers in the past and the reasons for the same. A service member is unfit to continue naval service when one or more physical and/or mental disabilities prevent him or her from reasonably performing the duties of his or her office, grade, rank, or rating. The PEB makes the decision on Fitness by balancing the extent of a member’s disability, as shown through objective medical and performance evidence, against the requirements and duties that the member may reasonably be expected to perform in his or her office, grade, rank, or rating. Typical medical evidence used by the PEB includes a narrative summary written by the Medical Evaluation Board (MEB), history and treatment of the injury or illness, referrals to doctors and sick call, and type and frequency of medication. Performance evidence includes non-medical assessments from the member’s command, personnel records, promotions, awards, and adverse personnel actions. In the period between the Spanish-American War and the U.S. entry into the war in Europe in 1917, new sources of Army officers were experimented with and expanded, federal authority over the militia was extended, and an Army reserve officer corps was established. The Navy formally

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Abraham Maslows Theory of Human Motivation Essay

Abraham Maslows Theory of Human Motivation - Essay Example This essay applies Maslow’s theory of human motivation to my own personal experience. As Maslow’s theory of human motivation advances in a progressive manner, the methodology of this analysis parallels this theoretical structure. When considering Maslow’s theory of motivation in the context of my own existence I recognize that one of the greatest challenges is clearly distinguishing between need fulfillment and need deficiency. Indeed, one of the prominent criticisms of Maslow’s theory is that it is overly contingent on arbitrary distinctions between fulfilled and unfulfilled ("Maslows hierarchy of," 2008). Still, such criticisms seem to partly misread Maslow, who indicated that there was great degree of fluidity of motivation, with need fulfillment approximating percentage form (Maslow). In my own life I recognize that in addition to having needs partially fulfilled, my needs have been fulfilled to differing degrees at differing periods of my life. Before leaving home to attend college my physiological needs were completely accounted for. Indeed, to a great extent the primacy of this need did not come to the forefront of my consideration until moving out of my parents’ home and assuming increased responsibility for my subsistence. Having my physiological needs accounted for during my youth created a strong foundation for my personal development and pursuit of higher level needs. Still, when considering this need I recognize that my personal motivation occurs on both a macro and micro level. That is, when I examine my youth in retrospect, I am able to make the macro-statement that my physiological needs were met; however, I also recognize that there were brief times when during the day I was hungry or sleep period deprived. I believe this distinction is significant as it indicates that human motivation, as progressing through Maslow’s needs system, is a fluid process wherein individuals

Monday, July 22, 2019

Vulgar and horrid Essay Example for Free

Vulgar and horrid Essay Look at the significance of Chapter 5 to the novel as a whole. Look at the relevance and affect of the writers use of language to describe setting, character, and what it shows about social and historical inferences. The story of Frankenstein was written in 1818 by well known British author, Mary Shelley. She wrote this novel when she was only eighteen years old after having a horrendous nightmare about an evil scientist bringing to life a human like monster. She got this inspiration from observing Luigi Gavoni, a scientist who used electrical impulses to make dead frogs move. This novel follows the life of the character Victor Frankenstein and his Monster prior to it being made, during the process and after. Frankenstein has a prominent message throughout, that of not judging someone by their appearance but by their inner beauty. Mary Shelley also clearly puts forward her thoughts of the immorality of making life out of dead parts through explaining the trauma Frankenstein has caused to this. She has very clear views that anything that has been unnaturally conceived is wrong. In the opening paragraph of Chapter 5 readers are enlightened of Frankensteins emotions towards the monster which vary from being proud of his accomplishment, to pain, to distress. The first sentence of this paragraph is written with the use of pathetic fallacy, dreary night of November. This sets the mood instantly for the reader and creates an atmosphere of portentousness in the story. Pathetic fallacy is used again in this paragraph, rain pattered dismally. This is done deliberately by Mary Shelley as she wants the first paragraph to contrast with the emotions of Frankenstein. A mood of bleakness is set which contrasts with Frankensteins enthusiasm. Frankenstein embarks with a feeling of excitement as he is bringing to life the monster, with this, he quotes the words anxiety, spark, but interrupts himself with extreme distress as he realises he has brought to life a corpse of a creature which shouldnt have been summoned to life. He then uses words like catastrophe and wretch to describe its horrid appearance. Frankenstein says great God! which is linked to religious meanings. Shelley shows Frankenstein saying this quote as she is against the fact that the creature that has been manufactured, she uses this specific term as being religious it goes against her beliefs of natural reproduction. Shelley emphasises her disgust towards the creature by doing this. Frankenstein now realises the extreme stress he has put on his body during the two years he created and developed the monster, deprived myself of rest and health. Here the writer infers clear disproval of Frankenstein and his creation as she repeats all the disasters he has caused due to his actions. The first sentence of the second paragraph, how can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe immediately indicates to the reader that Frankenstein is disgusted with the first appearance of the newly born monster. He describes it as vulgar and horrid. These extreme words show Frankensteins pure hate for the creature. As the story progresses, Frankensteins state of mind slowly deteriorates. He realises how excited and happy he was before the beauty of the dream vanished, and how he is now. Shelley writes this to teach her readers about the consequences of doing these un-natural experiments and playing with Gods creation of man. The monster flees and as of that, Frankensteins fear worsens to paranoia. Frankenstein is shown to be so disturbed that he cannot even sleep. He has wild dreams that he sees his beloved Elizabeth who ends up being the corpse of his dead mother. Frankenstein is so disorientated; he loses his natural immunity and becomes ill. He works himself up so much that he gets in such a poor state and is bed ridden with a fever. Cold dew covered my forehead. At this moment in the story, the reader is starting to lose interest of the suffering of Frankenstein as he has been dragging out his suffering for almost a whole chapter. At the beginning you acknowledged his suffering but it eventually becomes tedious. I passed the night wretchedly. Mary Shelley does this on purpose to emphasise the point that Frankenstein has been wrong in his doings. She makes the reader dislike Frankenstein through over explaining. This may be a consequence of Frankensteins actions, people disliking him.

Ethical Theory, Business Practice and the Corporation Essay Example for Free

Ethical Theory, Business Practice and the Corporation Essay If I would be about to handle the situation of Speedy Motors, there are some things that I would consider first before making decision especially the crucial ones like this. I think it would be best to solve this problem by finding the equitable welfare for all the stakeholders of the company. Given there are only a few more time before the company shuts down, I would call for a meeting for all of the employees and workers of the company and explain to them the real situation of the company. Moreover, I would also stressed out that they would be receiving additional separation pay for the damages that will be done by the company regarding the short notice of shutting down of operation. I could also possible give them educational plans for their siblings and refer some of them to other close companies of Speedy Motors to enable them to find a job right away. With the said structure of giving information of the company as with the current situation of the operation, there is a big possibility that they would understand the urgency and need to shut down the operation. Although there is a lot of stakeholder that would surely be affected by the said shutting down of the operation of Speedy Motors, at least, the management did made efforts not to happen the worse for all of them. One of the stakeholders of the company would be the workers, of course. With the additional separation pay and other benefits, I think it would be enough to compensate the welfare loss of the workers. Aside from the workers, the community is also part of the stakeholders of the company especially those community that relies on the jobs that are being offered by the company to them. Well, for them, through referring the employees coming from these communities to other close companies of the Speedy Motors, then, in one way or another, the possible loss in the welfare of the community will now be compensated. The last but not the least part of the stakeholders of the company would be their stockholders. With the shutting down of the company, there is a possibility that these investors would earn less from their investments in the company which could pissed them and lost trust on the domestic companies and in order to prevent this kind of scenario, one possible way of compensating the losses of this investors would be to give additional dividend rate for them. The funds that will be used in this strategy are the funds that were produced from the liquidation of the fixed assets of the company like land, building and machineries. The reason why I come up with this kind of solutions would be for the primary reason that it is the responsibility of the company to put the right things into place since in the first place the management of Speedy Motors did made wrong for not disclosing to the stakeholders of the company the financial condition of the company on the right amount of time (O’Toole, 2005). Although competition is already a natural phenomenon in the market, still, the financial aspect of the company, which is an internal matter, should be disseminated to the stakeholders especially to the workers that rely most on their job to the company. One way of informing the workers or disseminating the information would be to release a memo to various department of the company stating the current status of the company and that the management did done its best to prevent the shutting down of the company but unfortunately it did not work out. As for the media, press release would be an effective ways of disclosing the information of the shutting down of the company. With the mass coverage of media, disseminating the said information would be now easier especially in tapping the community that relies on the company and also the loyal customers of the company. Aside from press release, another way by which the company would inform the community regarding the shutting down of the company would be through public announcements to be posted on locations that mostly visited by the members of the community. With this kind of strategy, the welfare of the stakeholders of the company is all considered and I do believe that the efforts of the company to somehow compensate the losses of the identified stakeholders are already enough.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

I Corinthians 15:12-14 :: Religion Christianity Bible Essays

I Corinthians 15:12-14 But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith (NIV). The resurrection of the dead is a mysterious concept that even some Christians have a hard time believing. Paul makes a strong statement regarding the importance of the resurrection and how it is tied to the faith of Christian believers. Paul's first letter to the Corinthians was a response to a number of problems in the church of Corinth. One of the main problems the Corinthians were having was speculation on the resurrection [of the dead] which was preached to them by Paul. The passage in which Paul talks about the resurrection is toward the end of his letter, before he discusses his plans and finishes with exhortations and greetings. The first half of the letter, after he gives his greeting and thanksgiving, is in response to reports that he has received regarding the Corinthians. The second half is in response to questions and concerns that they had. In the New International Version (NIV) of Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, his preaching and their faith are described as "useless" if Christ has not been raised (15:14). However, in the New King James Version (NKJV), Paul's preaching and the faith of the Corinthians are described as empty. These descriptions are very similar and both have a strong impact on the reader. If preaching and faith are empty, then they are also useless. The preaching of Paul to the Corinthians is certainly not useless and their faith, although problematic, is not empty. According to The Women's Bible Commentary, the Corinthians were convinced that already they fully enjoyed the spiritual benefits of the resurrection (321). They believed the resurrection of Christ was beneficial so they did not even consider that the dead were raised from the dead. Paul preached that Christ has been raised from the dead and the Corinthians believed what he said. It is because of this belief that Paul can bring his point across regarding the resurrection of the dead. If the Corinthians did not believe that Christ has been raised, Paul would be unable to convince them of the resurrection of the dead.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Importance of Physical Exercise Essay -- Workout Programs Exercis

The Importance of Physical Exercise What is exercise? The actual definition of exercise is; to use repeatedly in order to strengthen or develop, but to make it simpler, exercise is doing programs and workouts to keep fit, for example, running, hiking, bicycling, and any active sport. Most Americans do little or no exercise during work or rest hours. Today there aren't many jobs requiring intense physical activity. Instead of walking, people use automobiles or public transportation. Instead of being physically active, people usually watch TV in their free time. Some sports such as bowling, golf, and tennis (doubles) provide some exercise, but do not provide as much exercise as other more vigorous sports. Exercise is very important and is beneficial both physically and mentally. When you exercise, you feel better about yourself because you are fit or your getting fit and you feel that you have accomplished something that was hard to strive for. The benefits of physical activity is it gives you more energy, it helps you in coping with stress, it improves self-image, and it increases resistance of tiredness. Exercise does not only keep you fit, it also reduces your chance of heart attack. Various studies have shown that the chance of heart attack is two times more likely to happen to an inactive person than a more active person. It really all adds up because with exercising, you burn off calories, which keeps you at your desirable weight, which lowers your risk of he...